Winter Resting Going on Here...

Winter is coming!

So we haven't written for a few months, but farming is going on still at Hartwood Farm while we work hard on our 2014 planning!  We've been taking some farming down time after last year's marathon summer, but are re-energized and excited for next season (though we do keep our fingers crossed for some normal weather!).  As we start gearing up for the season, check back here for more farm updates and pictures of new projects!

Good-bye to our geese neighbors (for now at least)!

Irrigation pond icing over...
Irrigation pond icing over...

Arlo on rodent patrol and checking out the hedgerows.


Most of our outside winter work right now are relatively easy chicken chores.  The hens are laying well (almost one egg each hen per day!).  In order to keep them laying, we do have them under lights (hens produce eggs best when they have 14 hours of light a day).

Chicken contemplating how much she *hates* snow.  Where is all that yummy grass?


However, the chickens are utterly unenthusiastic about snow and are incredibly bored without bugs to chase or grass to dig up.  Every thaw they go wild when the grass reappears, and we've been trying to put objects in their house to try and keep them distracted during the day (so far pumpkin seeds are their favorite, but hay bales seem to keep them entertained the longest).  They, like us, are waiting for the longer days of spring!

Winter chicken playground...