Parsley is a fragrant herb that looks like bunched greens with flat leaves and hollow stems. It can look quite similar to cilantro but tends to have curlier, tougher leaves that don’t wilt as quickly. The most obvious identifier is smell.

When it's in Season at Hartwood Farm:

We grow parsley throughout the season, though usually just include it in spring shares. We do have parsley for U-Pick year round

Crop Category and What it Tastes Like:


You probably know parsley as that inedible garnish on every restaurant plate. Although the herb had its “moment” as a garnish, and you probably pushed it to the side of your plate, it’s actually a wonderful culinary herb. It has a somewhat mild grassy, herbaceous, peppery and clean flavor that is slightly bitter and earthy. It’s very fragrant and a great way to brighten rich or lemony dishes.

How to Handle and Store:

Wash and store your parsley loosely wrapped in fridge. You can also hang up to dry and store it longer.

How to Prep for Use:

We generally just use the leaves, which we strip from the stems. Stems are good if you are making stock!

Ways to Cook and Eat:

Add parsley to any dishes at end of cooking to brighten the flavor. Alternatively, use your parsley to make an intense pesto.

Quick and Dirty Hangry Farmer Go-To Preparations:

Add chopped parsley into your salad mix to instantly amp up the green flavor!

Typical time to:

  • Steam—We don’t recommend

  • Sauté—1 to 3 minutes

  • Bake—We don’t recommend, unless for drying purposes

  • Boil—We don’t recommend

Our Favorite Recipes:

Parsley Pesto (NYT Cooking)— a parsley forward sauce for any summer pasta