Hakurai or sweet salad turnips

We all know what peas look like! Cute, sweet, green spring veggies! Keep in mind, we only grow SNAP PEAS, which means the whole pod is edible--don't try to shell them or you will be disappointed!

When it's in Season at Hartwood Farm:

Although they’re one of our favorites, we only have peas for 2 to 3 weeks in the spring.

Crop Category and What it Tastes Like:


Peas might be one of the most snackable veggies we grow. Ours are super sweet, crunchy, and crisp. The flavor is somewhat earthy, and the shells of our peas are edible and tend to be super sweet, as well (not bitter like some pea shells).

How to Handle and Store:

Loosely wrapped in a plastic bag in the fridge for up to a week, though honestly, we suspect most of them don't survive through the car ride home.

How to Prep for Use:

Snap peas (or edible pod peas) are ready to eat, they just need a quick washing and then to be "snapped," which involves snapping the end and pulling off the string along their top.

Ways to Cook and Eat:

They are great eaten raw on their own, with dips, or in salads, either whole or coarsely chopped. They are also good sautéed, steamed, or in things like frittatas.

Quick and Dirty Hangry Farmer Go-To Preparations:

We honestly eat so many peas while harvesting we have to cut ourselves off using them in the kitchen! But on days when we have field self control, we love to lightly steam or sauté them, or tossing them into any sort of stir fry dish or pasta dish.

Typical time to:

  • Steam—1 to 5 minutes

  • Sauté—2 to 5 minutes (if using in a dish like pasta, just toss in towards the end of cooking)

  • Bake—Not recommended unless it's mixed into a dish (leaves need to be covered to avoid burning)

  • Boil—Not our favorite way, but you could do it, less than 5 or 6 minutes

Our Favorite Recipes:

Sugar Snap Peas with Lemon (Sweet Pea Chef)— takes 10 minutes and is super delicious

Sugar Snap Pea Salad With Radishes, Mint and Ricotta Salata (NYT Cooking)— a jazzed up way to eat a few favorite spring veggies